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# Nonstandard Precision Machining# How to improve the surface quality of turning processing/turned parts?

# Nonstandard Precision Machining# How to improve the surface quality of turning processing/turned parts?
Posted by Admin

1. Optimize cutting parameters

• Select appropriate cutting speed, feed and depth of cut. Generally, higher cutting speed and smaller feed can achieve better surface roughness.

• Adjust to material properties and tool type to reduce built-up edge and chatter marks.

2. Use high-quality tools

• Use tools with good wear resistance and sharp cutting edges, such as coated tools, ceramic tools or super-hard tools.

• Reasonably select the geometry of the tool, such as rake angle, relief angle, edge inclination angle, etc., to improve cutting performance and chip removal.

3. Improve cooling and lubrication

• Select the appropriate cutting fluid to fully cool and lubricate the cutting area, lower the cutting temperature, and reduce tool wear and the formation of built-up edge.

• Ensure that the cutting fluid can be effectively sprayed into the cutting part.

4. Improve machine tool accuracy and stability

• Perform regular maintenance and calibration of machine tools to ensure the movement accuracy and rigidity of the machine tools.

• Reduce vibration and thermal deformation of machine tools, such as using shock-absorbing pads, optimizing machine tool structures, etc.

5. Control the clamping method

• Use reasonable clamping methods to avoid deformation of parts caused by clamping. For thin-walled parts, special fixtures can be used or support points can be added.

6. Adopt advanced processing technology

• New technologies such as high-speed cutting, minimum quantity lubrication cutting, and low-temperature cutting can effectively improve surface quality.

• Make multiple passes to gradually reduce the stock removal to improve surface finish.

7. Material pretreatment

• Perform pretreatments such as quenching, tempering and annealing on raw materials to improve the cutting performance of the material, thereby improving the surface quality after turning.

8. Post-processing

• After turning is completed, post-processing processes such as grinding, polishing, and honing can be used to further improve the surface quality.

By combining the above methods, the surface quality of turned parts can be significantly improved.

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