
Home / News / Industry News / Function and use of stainless steel shaft with ball head? Non-standard precision machining/stainless steel shaft machining/steering shaft

Function and use of stainless steel shaft with ball head? Non-standard precision machining/stainless steel shaft machining/steering shaft

Function and use of stainless steel shaft with ball head? Non-standard precision machining/stainless steel shaft machining/steering shaft
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Stainless steel shafts with ball heads are widely used. In the automotive field, it is often used in suspension systems, steering systems and other components to achieve flexible movement and precise control.

-In industrial machinery, it can be applied to the transmission and connection parts of various automation equipment, such as the joint connection of robots, which can adapt to complex action requirements.

-In terms of medical devices, such as some precision medical instruments, to ensure the precise movement and stable operation of the equipment.

-In household appliances, such as the mixing parts of some high-end washing machines, they can withstand frequent operation and maintain good performance.

-In the aerospace field, it is used in some key motion mechanisms to meet the needs of high reliability and precision.

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