
Home / News / Industry News / Non-standard precision machining/What are the significant advantages of non-standard precision machining/centering machining products?

Non-standard precision machining/What are the significant advantages of non-standard precision machining/centering machining products?

Non-standard precision machining/What are the significant advantages of non-standard precision machining/centering machining products?
Posted by Admin

1. High precision: It can achieve very high machining accuracy and meet the production of parts with extremely strict size and shape requirements.

2. High efficiency: One clamping can complete multi-process processing, reducing the number of workpiece clamping times and auxiliary time, and greatly improving production efficiency.

3. Save materials: Due to the characteristics of its processing method, it can minimize the waste of materials and reduce costs.

4. Strong processing ability of complex shapes: For parts with complex shapes, such as slender shafts, special-shaped parts, etc., the centering machine has processing capabilities.

5. Good surface quality: It can obtain higher surface finish and reduce subsequent processing steps.

6. High stability: Maintain stable processing accuracy and quality during long-term continuous processing.

7. Suitable for small batch and multi-variety production: Model change adjustment is relatively convenient and suitable for processing of small batch and multi-variety products.

8. High degree of automation: easy to integrate with automated production lines to achieve intelligent production.

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