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Non-standard precision machining/hardness classification of metal processing heat treatment/heat treatment product testing classification

Non-standard precision machining/hardness classification of metal processing heat treatment/heat treatment product testing classification
Posted by Admin

1. Brinell hardness (HB): It has a wide range of applications and is usually used when the material is soft, such as annealed steel.

2. Rockwell hardness (HRC): suitable for materials with high surface hardness, such as hardness after heat treatment. The test method is to use a diamond cone or a small quenched steel ball as an indenter and measure the indentation depth to express the hardness value.

3. Vickers hardness (HV): Suitable for microscopic analysis, press into the surface of the material with a load within 120kg and a diamond square cone indenter with a vertex angle of 136°, and divide the surface area of ​​the indentation pit in the material by the load value. That is the Vickers hardness value.

4. Leeb hardness (HL): A portable hardness testing method that uses the bounce produced by an impact ball head to impact a hard surface to measure hardness. It can obtain Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers and other hardness values ​​through conversion.

5. Shore hardness (HS): It is also a commonly used hardness testing method.

Each of these hardness classification methods has its own characteristics. In practical applications, the appropriate hardness testing method should be selected based on the properties of the material and specific needs.

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