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Reasons why 316 stainless steel and titanium materials are difficult to process:

Reasons why 316 stainless steel and titanium materials are difficult to process:
Posted by Admin

Reasons why 316 stainless steel and titanium materials are difficult to process:

For 316 stainless steel:

1. High hardness and strength: It requires large cutting force during processing, and the tool is easy to wear.

2. Good toughness: the chips are not easy to break and easily wrap around the tool and workpiece, affecting the continuity of processing.

3. Severe work hardening tendency: A hardened layer is easily produced on the surface during processing, further increasing the difficulty of processing.

For titanium materials:

1. High chemical activity: It is easy to react chemically with tool materials at high temperatures, causing rapid tool wear.

2. Low elastic modulus: springback easily occurs during cutting, making it difficult to control processing dimensions.

3. Poor thermal conductivity: cutting heat is not easy to dissipate, which can easily cause the tool temperature to be too high, affecting tool life and processing quality.

4. Easy to stick to the knife during processing: it will also lead to increased tool wear and processing quality problems.

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