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Non-standard precision machining/What are the application fields of non-standard precision machining/gears?

Non-standard precision machining/What are the application fields of non-standard precision machining/gears?
Posted by Admin

1. Mechanical transmission system: In various industrial machinery, such as machine tools, cranes, printing presses, etc., gears are used to transmit power and change rotation speed and torque.

2. Automobile industry: Automobile transmissions, differentials and other components all rely on gears to convert different speeds and torques to adapt to different driving conditions.

3. Aerospace field: High-precision gears are also used in aircraft engines, landing gear and other systems.

4. Shipbuilding industry: used in ship propulsion systems and various mechanical devices.

5. Electric tools: such as electric drills, electric saws, etc., adjust the speed and torque through gears.

6. Watch and clock manufacturing industry: ensure accurate timing of clocks and achieve uniform rotation of hands.

7. Robot field: Plays a key role in the joint motion and power transmission of robots.

In short, gears, as an important mechanical transmission element, play an indispensable role in modern industry and technology. Their precise transmission performance and reliable working characteristics enable various mechanical equipment to operate efficiently and stably.

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